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By joining Ninja Tooken, you engaged yourself to respect a few rules. These ones were created in order to keep a good atmosphere during the game. Any player who is violating those rules exposes himself to the banishment of his account without noticing. Here’s a non exhaustive list of rules to be respected:

Account and alias

Your ninja’s alias must respect the following rules:

  • No coarseness, no insults
  • No sexual or pornographic connotation
  • No references to politics, ethnic groups, communities or religions
  • No registered trademarks
  • No references to illegal products
  • No admin or moderator look like aliases
It is forbidden to lend ones account, because of the various possible abuses (faster EXP earning, etc...). In case of violation of this last rule, both players incur sanctions.


  • Flood, (several repetition of the same message in a short time) isn’t allowed.
  • It is forbidden to advertise for another website, including those related to Ninja Tooken.
  • Insulting, pornographic, religious, xenophobic, homophobic, political, illegal product positive presentation and consumption inciting, or even just Justin Bieber talk about speeches are strictly forbidden.
  • Please respect grammar! Everyone will be happier.

Game respect

  • Usurping someone’s identity is forbidden, no matters which one it is (simple player, moderator, admin) or the reason (right or wrong).
  • Disclosing private and/or personal content about other players is prohibited.
  • From a general point of view, it is forbidden to harm the good progression of the game.


The following actions are forbidden:

  • Trading or exchanging accounts or clans.
  • Organizing paying competitions, animations or tournaments.


  • Misuse of a game bug is forbidden. Every anomaly is to be reported using the forum’s Bug & Improvement section, or using the contact form.
  • Using a third program in order to corrupt the game is forbidden.
  • You are allowed to own several accounts.
  • It is forbidden to play with more than one account in the same game.