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Inscrit depuis le mardi 21 février 2012

Raiton - 7° dan
lvl.8738.391.496 xp
101 courses / 304 assassinats


Nickname: killer bee

Residence: Cloud village

Level: sannin

Element: raiton

jop: Hunter-nin

Weapons like:katana

clan: L'Ordre Fenikkusu Du Soleil Levant

Hobby: Sing rap songs 

brother: ninjaboi

Fighting Style Information:

Seven swords dance
This technique Keeler me using seven swords that he carries arms legs mouth and even lived in this very useful technique because the opponent does not know where all the sword Ttko



Most Popular Battle : ?? ???? ?? YouTubeSasuke VS Killer     if you see that you are unnormal ninja {#emotions_dlg.boss}


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