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lvl.984.749.171 xp
25 courses / 26 assassinats
Quand je joue tout le monde est de voler comme Super Man et il est difficile pour moi de trouver un jeu qu'ils GARDER ARRÊT POUVEZ-VOUS S'IL VOUS PLAÎT AIDE

2 commentaires

lvl.1005.211.818 xp
106 courses / 51 assassinats

This bug is normally corrected in the last version of the game (v0.9975).

If not, please open a new bug tracker (in english please !).

Topic locked.

lvl.1005.211.818 xp
106 courses / 51 assassinats

There is a known bug where players are shown at the position of their respawn point, and won't move afterwards.

It will be corrected. To correct that on your side with the current version, you can just deconnect and reconnect to the room.