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NinjaTooken it's 76.657 players who accumulated 36.214.897.785 experience points!

The "NinjaTooken"

The ancients NinjaTooken :

Rw_light winner 22 of december, 2012
Yoyosam winner 22 of october, 2011
Zanhkraft winner 13/14 of november, 2010


Experience Murder Race
441 aki-letour 5.320.583 0 0 Raiton
442 nyle 5.320.086 29 16 Raiton
443 SteakVolant 5.319.963 0 0 Raiton
444 ImadBG 5.319.683 0 0 Suiton
445 ph26 5.317.943 0 0 Katon
446 arkione 5.317.843 0 0 Futon
447 Kakashinaru 5.317.217 1.228 35 Suiton
448 Ierofurashu 5.316.675 11 15 Futon
449 Saphrey 5.316.321 10 12 Katon
450 reusz34 5.316.303 0 0 Doton
451 konaw_senpai 5.315.523 0 0 Katon
452 GameOver 5.314.590 0 0 Raiton
453 Sableye 5.314.563 0 0 Katon
454 Fractz 5.313.503 0 0 Suiton
455 Feunnec 5.312.600 0 4 Katon
456 the killer du dimanche 5.311.657 0 0 Futon
457 Sakura. 5.311.652 5 2 Raiton
458 Narozo 5.311.541 0 2 Katon
459 nsito 5.311.303 0 0 Katon
460 dainonane 5.310.983 0 0 Doton

Class distributions

  • Suiton, the art of manipulating the element water 15%
  • Futon, the art of manipulating the element wind 21%
  • Katon, the art of manipulating the element fire 20%
  • Raiton, the art of manipulating the element thunder 27%
  • Doton, the art of manipulating the element earth 11%