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NinjaTooken it's 76.657 players who accumulated 36.214.897.785 experience points!

The "NinjaTooken"

The ancients NinjaTooken :

Rw_light winner 22 of december, 2012
Yoyosam winner 22 of october, 2011
Zanhkraft winner 13/14 of november, 2010


Experience Murder Race
76261 among 0 0 0 Doton
76262 Kuroyasha 0 0 0 Katon
76263 RadioactiveNinja 0 0 0 Raiton
76264 Yoshi 0 0 0 Raiton
76265 triforcelink 0 0 0 Katon
76266 Neodark 0 0 0
76267 Soo Ssw 0 0 0 Raiton
76268 Keisuke 0 0 0 Futon
76269 Takeshin 0 0 0 Futon
76270 boya92 0 0 0 Raiton
76271 Raijjin 0 0 0 Raiton
76272 *Storm* 0 0 0 Raiton
76273 HypNoTizZ 0 0 0 Doton
76274 Utakata 0 0 0 Raiton
76275 Damien Cacheux 0 0 0 Katon
76276 Seskdran 0 0 0 Katon
76277 winy83 0 0 0 Raiton
76278 piew 0 0 0 Doton
76279 Wyllyam 0 0 0 Futon
76280 -Sasuke59 0 0 0 Raiton

Class distributions

  • Suiton, the art of manipulating the element water 15%
  • Futon, the art of manipulating the element wind 21%
  • Katon, the art of manipulating the element fire 20%
  • Raiton, the art of manipulating the element thunder 27%
  • Doton, the art of manipulating the element earth 11%